Grants & Fellowships
Natalie Coburn (GenSurg) has received a Connaught New Staff Matching Grant ($23,000)
for her project titled: "Surgical Care of Gastric Cancer Patients in Ontario: A
Population-based Study".
Michael Fehlings (NeurSurg) has received a one-year grant from the McLaughlin Centre
for Molecular Medicine to study: "Spinal Cord Repair".
Michael has also received:
With collaborator Eric Massicotte (NeurSurg) a two-year AOSpine North America Fellowship
With collaborator Mark Erwin (Research) a AOSpine North America Young Investigator
Research Grant for their project entitled: "Investigation of Molecular Signaling
and Susceptibility to Apoptosis in Canine Intervertebral Disc Notochordal Cells".
Reginald Gorczynski (Research) has been awarded a CIHR Operating Grant ($108,653)
for his project titled: "The Involvement of CD200:CD200R Regulatory Axis in Turmorigenesis".
Ab Guha (NeurSurg) has been awarded a 1-year grant from NBTF for his work on: "Regional
Variation in Inhibitors of Apoptosis (IAPs) in GBMs and Their Role in Apoptosis
and Therapeutic Resistance".
Ab has also been successful in receiving: A 3-year NCIC Grant for his project entitled:
"Tissue Factor in Tumor Progression, Angiogenesis".
A 2-year grant from the Brain Tumor Society (BTS) of North America for his work
on: "Role of IAPs in Gliomas".
Magdy Hassouna (UrolSurg) has been awarded a 2-year Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation
Grant ($401,204) for the peer-reviewed proposal entitled: "Comparative Study on
the Safety and Efficacy of Muscarinic M3 Receptor Antagonists in the Treatment of
Neurogenic Detrusor Overactivity".
Michael Johnston (ThorSurg) has been awarded a CIHR Operating Grant ($150,000) for
his project titled: "Delivery of Chemotherapeutic Agents for Treating Lymphatic
Metastasis in Lung Cancer".
Paulo Koeberle (Anatomy) has been awarded a Connaught New Staff Matching Grant ($30,000)
to study: "The Role of Extracellular Matrix in Adult CNS Regeneration".
Abhaya Kulkarni (NeurSurg) co-investigator received a 5-year grant from the National
Cancer Institute of Canada for a joint project: "Changes in White Matter Integrity
and Cognitive Function Following Cranial Radiation for Pediatric Brain Tumours".
Loch Macdonald (NeurSurg) is the recipient of a 2-year Physicians Services Incorporated
Foundation Award as Principle Investigator for his work: "Calcium Channels in Cerebral
As co-investigator Loch received a 1-year grant from the N.I.H. RO1 for a project
on the: "Treatment of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage with Human Albumin".
Andrea McCart (GenSurg) has been awarded a CIHR Operating Grant ($350,112) for project
titled: "Combined Oncolytic Virotherapy and Targeted Radiotherapy of Peritoneal
Robin McLeod (GenSurg) has received from Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of Canada,
Grants in Aid to study: "Post Operative Recurrence in Paediatric Crohn's Disease:
Influence of Molecular Factors".
Carol-anne Moulton (GenSurg) has received a Physician's Services Incorporated Foundation
Operating Grant ($41,000) for her project: "Slowing Down When You Should: A New
Model of Expert Surgical Judgement".
Allan Okrainec (GenSurg) is the Faculty Award Recipient of the 2007 Canadian Surgery
Research Fund Award ($10,000) for his project: "Does Virtual Surgery Translate to
Better Surgery: The Impact of High Fidelity VR Simulation on Intraoperative Performance".
Raja Rampersaud (OrthSurg) has been awarded a Canadian Spine Society Grant ($60,000)
for work on: "Canadian Multi-centered Study that Relates to - HRQOL for Surgical
Treatment of Focal Spinal Stenosis Compared to Hip and Knee Replacement".
Barry Rubin (VascSurg) has been awarded a CIHR Operating Grant ($368,820) for a
project titled: "Role of Microsomal Prostaglandin E2 Synthase- 1 in Myocardial Infarction".
Oleg Safir (OrthSurg) has received a Physician's Services Incorporated Foundation
Operating Grant ($24,000) to study: "Self Regulated Scheduling of Practice of a
Technical Surgical Skill".
Oleg with Heather Carnahan (Research) principal investigators also received a 2007
Royal College Medical Education Research Grant ($22,680) to study: "Self Regulated
Scheduling of Practice for Suturing".
Khalid Syed (OrthSurg) has received a Physician's Services Incorporated Foundation
Operating Grant ($32,000) to study: "Effect of Bench-model Training on Cognitive
Learning in the Operating Room".
Mae Cantos (GenSurg Resident) is the Resident Award Recipient of the 2007 Canadian
Surgery Research Fund Award ($10,000) for her project: "The Role of Ceramide in
Oxidant-induced Increase in Surface TLR4 in Macrophages".
Betty Kim (NeurSurg Resident) has been awarded the Chisholm Memorial Fellowship.
Demitre Serletis (NeurSurg Resident) was awarded the Chisholm Memorial Fellowship;
the Elizabeth Arbuthnot Dayson Fellowship; the Nellie L. Farthing Fellowship and
the William S. Fenwick Fellowship by the Postgraduate Medicine Awards Committee
of the Faculty of Medicine, UofT.
Scellig Stone (NeurSurg Resident) has been awarded the Joseph M. West Family Memorial
Prize by the Postgraduate Medicine Awards Committee of the Faculty of Medicine,
Patrick Tawadros (GenSurg Resident) has been awarded by the 2007-2008 Postgraduate
Medicine Awards Committee of the Faculty of Medicine the William S. Fenwick Fellowship.