New Staff

Tulin Cil
A graduate of the University
of Western Ontario Medical
School in 2000, Tulin received
her general surgery training
at the University of Toronto
and UWO from 2000-2005.
She became a fellow of the
Royal College of Physicians and
Surgeons of Canada in 2005.
After completing her general
surgery training, she undertook
research studies as a master's graduate student in medical
education at the Ontario Institute for Studies in
Education (UofT), and received her MEd. in 2008. She
also completed a clinical fellowship in Breast Surgical
Oncology at the University of Toronto during this
period. She began her general surgery staff appointment
at Women's College Hospital and the University Health
Network in 2008.
Her clinical practice is devoted to the care of patients
with breast disease. She is affiliated with the Wilson
Centre at UHN where her research is in surgical education,
focusing on innovative teaching strategies and
mechanisms of learning surgical skills.
Tulin and her husband, Dr. Peter Howard, have a
very busy home life. They have just welcomed twin boys
on August 5th, 2009, in addition to their 3-year-old
daughter, Ela.
Ralph George
The Department of Surgery
welcomes Dr. Ralph George.
Ralph was recruited from
Queen's University to take on
the position as Medical Director
of the CIBC Breast Centre at St.
Michael's Hospital. He received
his professional education at
Queen's University, and completed
his endoscopy and surgical
oncology fellowships at the
Roswell Park Cancer Institute. He is well known for his
teaching and has contributed tremendously as chair of
the Continuing Professional Development Committee
for the Canadian Association of General Surgeons, where
he focuses on quality improvement in surgical practice.
Avery B. Nathens
Division Head General Surgery & Director of Trauma,
St. Michael's Hospital
Medical Director, Ontario Criticall Program

Anand Ghanekar
The Division of General Surgery
and the Solid Organ Transplant
Programme are pleased to
announce the appointment of
Anand Ghanekar.
Anand completed training in
general surgery at the University
of Toronto, followed by a HPB
and transplant fellowship, also at
U of T. After training extensively
in solid abdominal organ transplant
(liver, kidney, pancreas, intestine) at the University
of Toronto he underwent training in laparoscopic donor
nephrectomy at the University of Wisconsin. Anand
is appointed to the Divisions of General Surgery at
the University Health Network and Hospital for Sick
Children. His clinical practice is focused on living and
deceased donor abdominal organ transplantation in adults
and children.
Anand is an Affiliate Scientist at the Toronto General
Research Institute and has an active research interest in
the role of stem cells in diseases of the liver including
hepatocellular carcinoma.
Lorne Rotstein, MD, FRCSC
Professor of Surgery
Peter A. Crossgrove Chair in General Surgery

Rebecca Gladdy
Rebecca Gladdy is a surgeon-scientist and surgical
oncologist who joined the Division of General Surgery
at Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto in July 2009. Her
scientific and clinical interests are in the area of sarcoma.
Rebecca is a graduate of the medical school at
Queen's University, and obtained her general surgery
training at the University of Toronto, graduating from
our program in 2005. She is
also a graduate of the Surgeon
Scientist Training Program at
the University of Toronto, and
obtained her PhD in 2003,
under the supervision of Jayne
Danska and Cindy Guidos.
Her doctoral studies focused
on the early genetic changes
in leukemia, including how
different molecular signatures
influenced the behaviour of leukemic stem cells.
Following her general surgery training, she completed
a brief period of postdoctoral research at the Lunenfeld
Institute at Mount Sinai Hospital, assessing cytogenetic
characteristics of malignant cells haploinsufficient for
the tumour suppressor polo-like kinase 4. Rebecca then
completed a two-year fellowship in surgical oncology at
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York,
where her interest in sarcoma as a research and clinical
focus emerged. Her research work while at MSKCC
included studies of radiation associated sarcoma and
the natural history of leiomyosarcoma. In addition, she
completed additional postdoctoral training to acquire
techniques to establish mouse models of sarcoma, and
formed ongoing collaborations with basic scientists in
New York.
Upon joining the faculty of the Department of
Surgery here at the University of Toronto as an Assistant
Professor, Rebecca successfully competed for a substantial
award as a Clinician Scientist in the Selected
Therapies Program of the Ontario Institute for Cancer
Research and obtained a career development fellowship
from the American Surgical Association. She has already
established an independent laboratory as an Associate
Scientist at the Lunenfeld Institute, and is developing a
Functional Genomics program with the goals of defining
which molecular signatures of sarcoma can be utilized for
the development of novel therapies. Her scientific mentor
is Dan Durocher and her clinical mentor is Carol
Carol Swallow
Mount Sinai Hospital
Catherine O'Brien
The Division of General Surgery is delighted to announce
the appointment of Dr. Catherine O'Brien.
Catherine obtained her BSc from McGill University
in 1994, her MD (1998) and MSc (2002) from the
University of Western Ontario. She completed training
in General Surgery at UWO and became of fellow of
the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
in 2003. Catherine obtained her certificate in surgical
oncology at the University of
Toronto in 2005 and is presently
pursuing her PhD at the
Institute of Medical Science
under the supervision of Drs.
John Dick and Steven Gallinger.
Catherine joins the Division
of General Surgery as a Surgeon-
Scientist. She has developed an
impressive research track record
during her training, including a
CIHR four-year, post-doctoral
fellowship grant, a PSI grant, and Canadian Society of
Surgical Oncology first prize for basic science presentation.
Catherine's publications are equally impressive
with a first author paper in Nature. Catherine's research
interest centres on the identification of the colon cancer
stem cell, while clinically she has an interest in GI malignancies.
Lorne Rotstein, MD, FRCSC
Professor of Surgery
Peter A. Crossgrove Chair in General Surgery