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News From Plastic Surgery

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Photo: Meeting of the WK Lindsay Club (photo by Steve Morris, MD)

It has been a great period for the Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. On the tail end of 100% pass rate for our senior resident group, many of the division members travelled to Calgary for the 67th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Plastic Surgeons. I love the Canadian Meeting – there is something about the camaraderie and feeling of family as well as the high quality of the papers and the unique social atmosphere of the Canadian Society that makes me feel honored to be a part of this group. Despite the rain, the meeting was a great success thanks to the efforts of Doug Ross, Bryan Callaghan, Gorman Louie, Lucie Lessard, Earl Campbell and of course, Karyn Wagner.

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Steve McCabe, Heather Baltzer, John Semple, Jennica Platt, Toni Zhong and Olivia Ho

Our Division of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery had a fantastic showing in Calgary, Alberta this past week. John Phillips and Paul Binhammer represented the division at this year’s Educational Symposium with talks on Computer Assisted Surgery and Digital Planning. Of the 80 abstracts accepted, our division had 28 presentations and 6 posters. At the concurrent Canadian Plastic Surgery Nurses Symposium, Sick Kids nurses Shannon Ross and Christina Hughey from our 8C unit presented our protocol for leech therapy. Tom Bell and Frank Lista represented us on the Canadian Expert Panels on Facial Aesthetic Surgery and Aesthetic Breast Surgery.

Olivia Ho had a very busy time in Calgary with 3 papers and won the best scientific paper presentation at the 33rd Annual GAM meeting for her paper “Incidentalomas associated with abdominal and pelvic CT angiograms for abdominal based breast free flap reconstruction” with coauthors Stefan Hofer and Toni Zhong.

The Educational Foundation Award for the best Epidemiology & Biostatistics Presentation was awarded to Jennica Platt for her paper “Regional variation in rates of immediate breast reconstruction: It matters where you live in Ontario” with co-authors T Zhong, AM Easson, G Booth, R Moineddin and NN Baxter. Congratulations to Jennica’s supervisors Toni Zhong and Nancy Baxter. Apart from the obvious quality of her research, this type of work has the ability to influence health care policy and Jennica is to be congratulated on a superb job of increasing the important profile of our specialty.

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Girl Power: Olivia Ho, Heather Baltzer and Jennica Platt

The FM Woolhouse Award for the best presentation of a clinical study by a resident was awarded to Heather Baltzer for her presentation “MRI volumetric analysis of breast fibroglandular tissue to assess risk of the spared nipple in BRCA 1/2 patients who are considering prophylactic nipple sparing mastectomy” with co –authors O Alonzo, M Yaffe, K Metcalfe, E Warner and J Semple. Heather is on a roll with this important piece of research and left the meeting early to present at the American Society of Clinical Oncology in Chicago (see Announcements).

Residents Mike Hendry, Dale Podolsky, Kathryn Isaac, Matt Plant, Shaikhan Al-Hashmi, Matt McRae, and Katie Armstrong as well as fellows Amy Chesney, Guy Watts, Marc Swan, Sally Hynes, Mahsa Bigdoli Moghaddam, William Townley, Sami Alissa, Udi Eradand our very own Kristen Davidge representing St. Louis rounded out a great effort from our division!

Christopher R. Forrest
Chair, Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

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