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On behalf of the Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, we would like to once again thank all of our guests for attending the Graduation Gala dinner held on Saturday, June 18th, 2011 at One King West Hotel. John Taylor gave an enlightening speech on the career of E. Fulton Risdon, whose family members were in attendance as well. It was wonderful to see many of our own alumni that evening, celebrating not only our current graduating residents, but also helping us commemorate 90 years of Plastic Surgery in Toronto.

Highlights of the Gala Dinner for 2011 with photos and slideshow can be found on our website at: http://uoftplasticsurgery.ca/main.php?p=1494&s=5

Congratulations to all of our graduating residents and award winners:


Amer Alkudmani

Mary-Helen Mahoney

Karen Wong

We thank all those who attended this year’s event and look forward to next year’s Graduation Gala.

Dimitri Anastakis, Chairman
Mitch Brown, Program Director
Joel Fish, Research Director

Dear Colleagues,

Please join me in welcoming Laura Snell as the Division’s new Journal Club Coordinator. Laura will assume this important education role effective July 1st 2011. I would like to thank Laura for agreeing to take on this important leadership position.

I would like to echo Mitchell Brown’s thanks given at Saturday’s Graduation Dinner, and once again thank Melinda Musgrave for her leadership as Journal Club Coordinator over the past five years. Melinda has done an exceptional job in transforming our Journal Club and also in helping to secure external funding for this academic activity.

On behalf of the entire faculty, I would like to thank both Laura and Melinda for their leadership and commitment to education in the Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

D. J. Anastakis
Chair, Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

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