Excerpts from Bryce Taylor's
"Effective Medical Leadership"

Bryce Taylor
“I’ve always had a problem with
the oft-used concept “managing
people”, as I think a better way of
stating the intent might be “managing
situations with collaboration
and respect”. That said, independent
professionals do present
unusual challenges in the hospital
work environment.”
Bryce Taylor
Managing Medical Professionals
The well-celebrated video advertisement conjured up
by Electronic Data Systems (a business and technology
services industry, founded by Ross Perot in 1962) and
showing images of horsemen herding cats in a wild west
setting (see
may come to mind when the concept
of managing medical professionals is considered. The
presumed lack of control and the antiquated insufficient
resources to do the job may be apt in some groups of
individuals. However, with regard to the advertisement
mentioned, we should remember that cats are wayward
and perhaps adventuresome, but relatively harmless.
In the case of medical professionals, the image of a pride
of larger cats or a sloth of bears may be more appropriate:
these animals may be attracted by pleasures such as
raw meat or honey, but the chance of angry retaliation is
always present and threatens the zookeeper at all times.
Rather than using this predatory image, I prefer to think
of my surgical colleagues in a way expressed in one of
my yearly ‘state of the union’ addresses, using a flock
of migrating birds as a backdrop. These particular geese
each had different appearances from one another because
their wings were in various distinct configurations. As
I said then, ‘This stylized image captures in my mind
our surgical family at UHN . Its members all have the
capacity to fly, and indeed soar above most others, and
in their make-up and behaviour they are free-spirited,
independent, and, as you can see, certainly exalt in being
different from one another. But at the same time they
fly in formation, knowing that by sticking together and
acknowledging the power of team in sometimes unpredictable
conditions, their performance, and the recognition
of that performance, is the best it can be.’
Individuality and personal achievements are supported
and encouraged but only in the context of being part of
a team that must play by a set of well-described rules.
One of the major features of the professional behaviour
of physicians and surgeons is that there is invariably a
sense of entitlement. This feeling is pervasive and, on the
surgical side, was given even greater impetus by a recent
pseudoscientific, published article from Barcelona. From
a recent report in the British Medical Journal, researchers
at the University of Barcelona found, in a small study,
that male surgeons are more attractive to women than
are other doctors. The researchers pointed out (and I kid
you not) that ‘surgeons spend a lot of time in operating
rooms which are cleaner, cooler and have a higher
oxygen content than the average medical ward where
physicians spend most of their time, which could help
surgeons keep their looks.’24
Is there any wonder how over decades a sense of entitlement,
especially on the part of surgeons, might evolve?
The old definition of professionals in days gone by
was in direct relation to what they were paid for their
services; for example, an amateur athlete received compensation
only for expenses, and a professional made his
or her living from the activity. That sports analogy, of
course, has been blown up long ago in both amateur and
professional domains, and a much more detailed look
at professionalism has occupied especially the medical
profession in recent years. Being a professional in the
twenty-first century implies the following:
Becoming an expert in a specialized field
Acquiring knowledge and skills that are used to serve
Improving those tools on an ongoing basis, as knowledge
in the field expands
Having academic qualifications that satisfy standards of
the certifying and licensing bodies that are ultimately
responsible for the quality of care offered to patients
Evidencing a high quality of work in a specific area
Working to a high standard of integrity and ethical
behaviour in the service of patients
The appropriate behaviours expected of us as professionals
include the following:
Respect for all individuals with whom we come in contact,
including patients, family members, colleagues, and
other health care workers
A personal appearance befitting our privilege of caring
for patients
Reliability and punctuality in our daily activities
Effective communication with others
Respect of confidentiality with regard to both patient
and administrative issues
Honesty, integrity, and empathy in our actions with
everyone in the organization
Acceptance of responsibility for our activities in our
various roles, including the official transference of that
responsibility to others when we are absent
Knowledge of our own limitations, and the ability to
seek help as required with decision making, whether
patient or management related.
It will be your responsibility as a medical leader to first
and foremost be a role model for others in your own personal
consistent demonstration of the elements of professionalism.
Your patient management must embody all
the dimensions of patient-centered care, and your comportment
and behaviour must reflect the principles cited
above as well as the values held by your organization.
Your tougher job will be to uphold those principles if
they appear to be violated by your friends and colleagues.
© University of Toronto Press 2010