New Staff
The Department of Surgery warmly welcomes the following individuals who have joined
our Department.

Benjamin Deheshi
We are delighted to welcome Benjamin Deheshi to the Orthopaedic Division at Mount
Sinai Hospital (MSH). Dr. Deheshi graduated from the University of Saskatchewan
College of Medicine in 2000 and went on to complete his orthopaedic surgery training
at the University of Ottawa, where he successfully completed his residency in 2005.
Ben will be specializing in Musculoskeletal Oncology, joining the University's Musculoskeletal
Oncology Unit. In addition, he will be pursing research into the underlying molecular
mechanisms causing sarcomas as part of the Interdisciplinary Health Research Team
in Musculoskeletal Neoplasia at the University. Dr. Deheshi is currently enrolled
in graduate training at the Institute of Medical Science, under the supervision
of Drs. Jeff Wrana and Jay Wunder. His graduate research focus is on transforming
growth factor beta signaling in metastatic osteosarcoma. Dr. Deheshi's future goals
are to integrate his basic science research experience into his clinical practice
in an attempt to develop optimal treatment strategies for sarcoma patients. Ben's
exceptional clinical skills, and strong start to his research, and innovative nature
will position him to easily achieve his goal.
In addition to his new academic position in Toronto, Ben recently married Shabana
and we welcome both Ben and Shabana to our Toronto community.
Benjamin Alman
University Division Chair, Orthopaedic Surgery

Oleg Safir
The Divison of Orthopaedic Surgery is pleased to welcome Oleg Safir to our faculty.
Oleg will be joining the department as an orthopaedic surgeon at Mount Sinai Hospital
(MSH). He graduated from the Medical Academy in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine and in 2002,
Oleg completed his training in orthopaedic surgery at the University of Tel Aviv
in Israel. In 2006, he completed a clinical and a research fellowship in Adult Lower
Extremity Reconstruction at MSH. He demonstrated exceptional clinical and academic
skills during this time. As such, he was recruited to our faculty. Currently, Oleg
is running a part time clinical practice in orthopaedic surgery at Mount Sinai,
and is concurrently pursuing a Masters Degree at the Ontario Institute for Studies
in Education (OISE), at the University of Toronto and a fellowship at the Wilson
Centre for Research in Education. Dr. Safir's clinical academic interest is lower
extremity reconstruction with focusing on the revision arthroplasty of the hip,
and the use of osteotomies and osteochondral allograft transplantation around the
knee. In his education studies his main interest is self directed learning in the
acquisition of surgical skills.
Oleg and his wife, Maria, recently welcomed a new son, Maximillian, into their family.
Dr. Safir has proven himself to be a top notch clinician, a great teacher, and enthusiastic
academician, and a collegial colleague. We are looking forward to great accomplishments
from Oleg.
Benjamin Alman
University Division Chair, Orthopaedic Surgery