Dear Dr. Kringle:
At the regularly scheduled December 24 meeting, the IRB reviewed your protocol,
"A Global Observational Study of Behaviour in Children". While we believe it has
many good features, it could not be approved as submitted. If you choose to revise
your study, please address the following concerns:
1. You propose to study "children of all ages". Please provide an exact lower and
upper age limit, as well as the precise number of subjects. Provide a statistically
valid power calculation to justify this large a study.
2. Your only inclusion criterion is "belief in Santa Claus". Please provide a copy
of the screening questionnaire that determines such a belief. Provide a Waiver of
Authorization under HIPAA in order to record these beliefs prior to enrollment in
the study. The Board recommends that you obtain a Certificate of Confidentiality
as beliefs are sensitive and personal information.
3. You propose to "know when they are sleeping and know when they are awake". How
will this be done? Will children undergo video monitoring in their beds? Will they
have sleep EEGs? You list 100 elves as research assistants. Are any of them sleep
4. Your primary outcome measure is to "know when they've been bad or good". What
standard is being used to determine "goodness"? Do children have to be good all
year or just most of the time? What if they have been really, really, good except
one time when they hit their little brother?
5. You propose to conduct your research by entering the subjects' homes through
the chimney. Have you considered the damage to the roof, carpeting, etc., that this
will cause? Moreover, children are likely startled by your appearance late at night.
Please revise your protocol to conduct your home visits between 9 am and 5pm Monday
through Friday with at least one parent being present.
6. You state that compensation for participation will be "sugarplums, candy and
toys" for the good little girls and boys. This may not be appropriate for the children
with obesity, dental caries, and hyperactivity. Also, your proposal to leave a lump
of coal in the stockings of bad children will be unfairly stigmatizing to them individually
and as a group. In general, the Board suggests a small token of appreciation for
all participants. Perhaps a $5 Toys-R-Us gift card would be better.
7. The database of good and bad children will be kept "on a scroll at the North
Pole". Please describe the security provisions you have in place to protect the
research data. Is the scroll kept in a locked cabinet in a locked room? Who has
access to the scroll? Are there backup copies of the scroll and how often are they
compared to the original?
8. You mention the participation of "eight tiny reindeer" in your protocol. Please
provide the Board with documentation of Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
9. Please provide the Human Subjects Protection training dates for Mrs. Claus and
the elves.
10. As this study involves prospective data collection and more than minimal risk
without prospect of direct benefit to the subjects, informed consent signed by both
parents will be required. Please have the consent form translated into every language
spoken by the children.
Please submit 25 copies of your revised protocol to the IRB. The IRB will be on
Holiday Season schedule for the next 2 weeks. If approved, you will be able to conduct
your study sometime in January.
Sincerely, E. Scrooge, MD - Chair, Institutional Review Board
© 2006 David R. Karp
Printed by kind permission of the author.