A fantastic cohort of new residents has beaten the competition to enter the Gallie Program in July, 2011.

In October 2011, a Strategic Planning Steering Committee was formed to execute the workplans behind 5 major themes: Education, Faculty Development; Best Practices/Quality, Research, and Integration.
Residents who entered a six year direct entry cardiac residency will carry on the tradition of surgical scholarship exemplified by Bill Bigelow.
Sid Levitsky began his Bigelow lecture by describing the recent transition in the common understanding of the role of physicians- production workers, a reinterpretation associated with the language of a market civilization that is clearly problematical.
When mandated from administration to save, the Toronto Western neurosurgeons succeeded in “becoming more aware and cost effective in order to do more cases”.
For the second year in a row, the Division of Neurosurgery at UofT organized a team to take part in the 8th Annual Neurosurgery Charity Softball Tournament in New York City’s Central Park.
On September 7th, 2011, Jim Rutka delivered the Annual Address for the Department of Surgery at the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, St Michael's Hospital.
UHN Mourns Passing of Robert Buckman
Professor Abdallah S. Daar (GS) and Dr. Sarah Ali-Khan of the McLaughlin-Rotman Centre for Global Health (MRC), University Health Network and University of Toronto, are the 2011 recipients of the Ontario Genomics Institute Societal Impact of Genomics Prize.

Seven members of the Faculty of Medicine were inducted as new Fellows of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences

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