An Effective Business Plan from Neurosurgery

Mike Tymianski
The Neurosurgery Division at
UHN performed 2300 operating
room cases in 2010 in
Oncology, Functional, Vascular,
and Spinal Neurosurgery and
published 150 peer-reviewed
papers in 2010. There are four
active labs in the division and
they are currently running 3
multi-centered trials with $8.4
million per year in funding for
Acting Division Chief Mike Tymianski inherited a
unique challenge: “In a certain sense this level of success
presented a problem: ‘lots of chiefs and no indians’.
Shaf Keshavjee had charged me to keep the division the
best in the world, but we had no room for new junior
faculty”. The paradox was crystallized last year when
the division was unable to recruit an excellent candidate
for lack of resources. The OR budget for neurosurgery
regularly ran a deficit of $750,000 per year. Option one
would be to cut operating room time, reduce beds and
ruin practice and retention - a poor business solution. A
second option would be to increase practice and turn a
profit. “We decided to make up 50% of the shortfall this
year without reducing activity.”
There are certain cases that bring increased income
to the hospital, based on volume targets negotiated
with the government. Deep Brain Stimulation, Spine
Stimulation, Aneurysm coils, Workmen’s Compensation,
Neurooncology and cases referred through CritiCall
(see also: ver=Summer_2010&f=AcuteCareService). In contrast
the 80 -year old with a subdural on Coumadin who is
admitted from the hospital’s surrounding community
is not a volume-funded case, and has been a traditional
source of accumulating deficit. The solution is to route
the patients through CritiCall. The CritiCall cases are
approximately 60% intracranial bleeding, 30% spine
and 10% oncology. Since intracranial hemorrhage and
subdural hematomas stall out the operating room,
Mike and his colleagues developed a procedure room
for draining subdural hematomas, hydrocephalus and
similar problems. This unit is run by the neurosurgery
residents. A second initiative is the development of a
neurovascular unit - a multidisciplinary stroke unit with
much better outcomes and lower cost than the intensive
care unit. Lastly, everyone in the Division of neurosurgery
was asked to manage their own budget, which was
assigned and spent according to the decisions of the individual
surgeons. Everyone became engaged in the fiscal
management of the division. This empowered the surgeons
to solve the financial problems through awareness.
They were highly motivated by enthusiasm to recruit to
the division. The key to the success of the program was
that every expendable item used in the operating room
was labeled with its cost. An expensive $500 item that
might have been opened routinely was left untouched
unless the surgeon specifically asked for it. There are
now prices on everything in the operating room from a
$14,000 laser catheter to a ¢65 pair of gloves. The bill is
printed for the surgeon at the end of each case, just like
it is at the Home Depot cash register. Surgeons quickly
learned not to open the gelfoam or floseal (a costly
hemostatic agent), unless they were clearly needed. The
bills were sent every week and summarized every month.
Currently, they are now available monthly, but really are
no longer necessary. The savings from this program have
been dramatic and the division is now in the position to
recruit five more neurosurgeons. The money saved is also
used to buy equipment needed for the operating room.
Volume funding from the Ministry of Health started
with heart surgery. The government negotiated for a
certain number of cases to be done, based on pressure
from the public. They now volume fund joint surgery,
bariatric surgery, CritiCall, neuromodulation and endovascular
surgery for brain aneurysms. “The increased
awareness and selectivity of costly items is the result of
knowledge that empowered the surgeons.” By routing
appropriate referrals though CritiCall, the budget makes
room for cases that are otherwise unfunded. The take
home message from this experience is that a mandate
from administration to save in the old days simply
meant “do fewer cases”. The current surgical response
is “become more aware and cost effective in order to do
more cases”.
Michael’s business experience did not come from a
course in management, but from running a biotech
company with excellent corporate mentors on its board
of directors, including the legendary physician executive
John Evans. They are savvy investors with extensive business
“The Stroke Unit, which includes stroke neurologists,
interventionists, neurosurgeons, nurses and an allied
health team - all focused on one theme, opened in
September of 2011. Beds were shifted into the unit
from medicine, neurosurgery and elsewhere. It has acute
monitoring like a step-down unit and integrated care.
This has increased the number of patients who walk
home after a stroke.”
Michael trained at the University of Toronto and
extended his training in skull base and vascular neurosurgery
at the Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix.
He completed a PhD in stroke research under Charles
Tator’s mentorship and holds a Canada Research Chair
in Translational Stroke Research.
His company NoNO Inc. has developed a drug that
has the potential to dramatically reduce the damaging
effects of stroke, preventing the death of brain cells
in stroke patients and thereby reducing the life altering
consequences of strokes. This program has been
supported by UHN’s Technology Development and
Commercialization Office. “I am very pragmatic about
research; basic science has very little accountability.
Five years of research with no productivity is ok under
a grant system, but it is not ok in biotechnology where
we are accountable to the board, the investors and to
the law. We should deliver research on the same scale.
I do it as Division Head of neurosurgery, in the lab,
and in the company.” Just as “excellence” is Jim Rutka’s
guiding value, “accountability” seems to be Michael’s.
At Michael’s Grand Rounds presentation, Tom Waddell
asked about the motivation to achieve a profit in a surgical
unit, when any savings disappear back into the total
budget of UHN. The answer is that “a critical motivating
factor for success is keeping the savings within the unit.”
He is married to Dawn who heads the advanced practice
program in the School of Nursing. Together they
have four children. Mike and Dawn Tymianski are avid
cyclists and hikers. With the exception of extensive travel
related to Michael’s jobs as a neurosurgeon, scientist, and
company CEO, Mike and Dawn hide away whenever
they can in a small house on the south shore of Nova
Scotia. They are avid collectors of Canadian Inuit art,
contemporary and fine Canadian art, and fine wine.
With the latter, Mike Tymianski states: “We don’t have
enough time to drink it. But I really like anything that’s
done really well. It’s remarkable what some people can
create out of grape juice.”